WELCOME TO MIKE’S MOTORCYCLE MANUALS Lorem ipsum dolor minim nulla eu ad eu consequat. Aliquip non mollit incididunt amet. Consectetur in cupidatat. Consectetur, irure sed tempor irure eiusmod quis sit eu adipisicing minim, cillum est consequat. Dolor deserunt velit quis adipisicing elit tempor irure eiusmod magna pariatur ullamco ad.
Tempor incididunt culpa veniam et sed dolor occaecat laboris in quis irure deserunt nulla aliqua eiusmod officia qui pariatur. Laboris fugiat non et consequat culpa consectetur laboris dolor in dolor eu tempor tempor. Aliqua veniam, proident enim fugiat id. Velit pariatur excepteur esse do. Quis id sed exercitation minim. Tempor dolore nostrud magna anim labore aliqua aliquip labore aute. Aliquip excepteur in, adipisicing ad nostrud lorem amet ut laboris. Ut cupidatat tempor aliqua labore. Id tempor, magna sint in elit culpa mollit? Ut in eu enim duis sint. Excepteur tempor dolore, commodo sit labore proident anim cillum aliquip irure. Ut lanim fugiat in fugiat magna elit est mollit ut. Duis sed incididunt cillum ipsum. Elit minim nisi labore ad adipisicing elit. Sint velit, sed ex irure pariatur enim irure enim sunt minim esse sunt dolore nulla reprehenderit voluptate deserunt. Voluptate tempor velit elit pariatur sed ut aliquip duis lorem voluptate cupidatat magna excepteur et incididunt sed.
0845 11223344 0798 12221121


Lorem ipsum dolor minim nulla eu ad eu consequat. Ullamco fugiat est ipsum consectetur deserunt exercitation magna sit qui, elit tempor duis ad magna dolore anim nisi id. Excepteur irure tempor dolor fugiat ut. Fugiat culpa, magna, minim est eiusmod dolore in sed aute voluptate dolore in laboris pariatur. Cillum non enim aute irure cillum commodo duis ullamco tempor elit tempor duis ad magna dolore fugiat est exercitation sit tempor duis ad magna. £14.95 including P&P
T h r i l l s A N D S p i l l s Are you prepared for this? by Mike “Matchless” Morrow
Excepteur irure tempor dolor fugiat ut. Fugiat culpa, magna, minim est eiusmod dolore in sed aute voluptate dolore in laboris pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor minim nulla eu ad eu consequat. Ullamco fugiat est ipsum consectetur deserunt exercitation magna sit qui, elit tempor duis ad magna dolore anim nisi id. Cillum non enim aute irure cillum commodo duis ullamco tempor elit tempor duis ad magna dolore fugiat est ipsum. £14.95 including P&P
B r i n g i n g t h e m B a c k t o L i f e I’ll show you how! by Mike “Matchless” Morrow
Lorem ipsum dolor minim nulla eu ad eu consequat.Aliquip non mollit incididunt amet.
SATURDAY 16th MARCH – Sint velit, sed ex irure pariatur enim irure enim sunt minim esse sunt dolore nulla reprehenderit voluptate deserunt. Voluptate tempor velit elit pariatur sed ut aliquip duis lorem voluptate cupidatat magna. SUNDAY 17th APRIL – Excepteur tempor dolore, commodo sit labore proident anim cillum aliquip irure. Ut lanim fugiat in fugiat magna elit est mollit ut.


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WELCOME TO MIKE’S MOTORCYCLE MECHANICS Explore with us what we do and share our passion for two, and sometimes three-wheels, of combustion-engined delight and when you are ready come by and let’s discuss all we can do for you, no matter what your personal interest, make or model of motorcycle which you own.
In our fully-equipped workshop in Kent we lavish serious attention on every bike which is entrusted into our care. No matter what we do for our customers we want each and every one of them to feel secure in the knowledge that we take pride in all we do and and warranty our work. Developing relationships with our customers has always been an important part of our strategy, hence this website where you can subscribe to keep abreast of our latest project and expanding services; contact us at any time with your comments or share motorcycle information which you know will be of interest to us.
We handle everything from simple servicing and repairs to complete overhauls and rebuilds. Mike’s Mechanics are fully qualified motor- cycle engineers in their field and are able to work on almost any make, age and model of motorcycle. In our workshop we have the latest tools and equipment along with testing bays, lifting tackle, approved electronic analysis and assessment devices and CNC machines .
Need custom add-ons like panniers, new upholstery, seats and chairs, radio and security gear, lights, nerf bars and fairings or maybe just a few flashes of personalisation – we will take care of it all for you. We are affiliated with many major suppliers of specialist parts and we can also make up custom parts for you in our workshop using our computer- controlled machines.
Mike’s Motorcycle Mechanics is well-known and highly respected for its restoration work. We do everything from initial research to sourcing and making parts. We have the equipment to tackle almost any restoration job and our mechanics are all well-versed in every aspect of motorcycle restoration. And, if you have them, we can even restore original manuals through our associate companies. Send us full details of your restoration project we will get back to with a guide quotation and anticipated work schedule.
Mike’s Motorcycle Mechanics has been home to racing and performance event preparation for many years. We prepare, maintain, and modify all machine types, from off- road street-bikes to motocross to dirt track to hill-climb to speedway – in fact we support all classes includng sidecar racing. This year we are even entering two of our own works- prepared machines in Club events at Brands.
Want a unique trike, easy-rider cruiser or show-stopping “monster” machine – then Mike’s Motorcycle Mechanics is the place for you. We’ve designed and built dozens of some of the most gorgeous machines you’ve ever seen and there are many event-winning trophies on customer sideboards to evidence the quality of our work. Our custom-built bikes may take a while to complete but you’ll love the end result. So, when you are ready, drop by with an idea and we’ll show you how we can turn your dream into a reality.machines.
Apart from the work we do designing and building custom one-off and show bikes we can do all manner of preparation work to put your machine – or machines – into tip-top shape ready for any event or exhibition. We prepare bikes of all kinds including self-restorations.



0845 11223344 0798 12221121