THEPUBLISHING.CO.UK blog page provides support to its customers in the form of articles about self-publishing in general along with some specific how-to information to add, and to supplement, the details shown elsewhere on this website and in the downloadable guides. Please feel free to comment using the form at the end of each post.
The Books of Charles McHendrie


0 Use Simple Web Editor to Sell Things

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You can sell your printed publication(s), along with any items you deem suitable, to your post(s) using an online payments service such as PayPal. You will, of course, need an account with them in which you set up your details and create "Buy Now" and other buttons, which you will use in your post(s) to sell your items. All you then have to do is add the code they provide near the photo of your item in the "Body" text panel – and you are done!


PayPal buy button


THEPUBLISHING.CO.UK blog page provides support to its customers in the form of articles about self- publishing in general along with some specific how-to information to add, and to supplement, the details shown elsewhere on this website and in the downloadable guides. Please feel free to comment using the form at the end of each post.